Saturday, February 12, 2011

If You Were Actually Being Nice...

So over the years I have gave pretty much all that I could to my friends and family.  Giving away things to people less fortunate or doing nice things when I can for people that I care about.  Sometimes I give things to people I have never or will never meet.  I gave my long hair to Locks of Love for kids suffering from cancer.  I give every year to breast cancer studies even if it's only like $20.  And there's of course more things that I do for people but I don't want to brag since I do what I do because doing things like that makes me feel good.  Knowing that I can help someone just like, does it for me.

Some people in my life do lots of other things for people without being selfish too.  And that's awesome!  But I do see lots of people being fucked up when it comes to being nice.  Please, let me explain.  It seems that for every one person that is just flat out generous and then some, there's like 100 people that only do nice things for selfish reasons.  It seems that those selfish people are just doing nice things because they believe it will later benefit them.

While some of the selfish people say things like "good karma for me" after donating something in hopes that they will have good fortune as a result of giving away crap they didn't even want anymore, others are way worse.  For example, the people that buy you something but later hold it against you.  There has been plenty of times where someone buys me dinner to be nice.  But then decides a week later that since they bought me dinner once that I should buy them dinner to pay them back.  Which would be a fair trade if it was brought to my attention that that was the deal.  If someone buys me dinner to be nice then they should keep it at that.  

These are the same people that offer their friends rides but then bitch about not having any gas.  Or let you use their bathroom but then bitch about having to buy toilet paper.  Stuff like that just sickens me!  I mean, why even be nice if you're just going to try to throw it in the person's face later?  That's not being nice!

I think the next person that buys me something or does something nice for me but later holds it against me or feels that I owe them is going to get deleted from my life.  If someone that has always been nice to me was having problems buying food or paying their rent or something then I would pawn things to help them out if I had to.  But as soon as they say I owe them because they were nice when I had nothing, then I won't be helping.