Monday, May 16, 2011

Why Not Say Something Nice?

I'm sure everyone has noticed that people typically don't say nice things to each other.  And by people I don't mean your friends and family that you have known forever.  I mean people that you see out and about in your daily life.  More often I hear my friends and family bitching about the stupid fucker that just cut in front of them while driving somewhere.  Or the ass clown that was mean muggin' them at King Soopers.  Or just some thing that some person did that annoyed them.  Instead of hearing about the nice guy that held the door open for them, the person that helped them pick something up that they knocked over, or someone that said that they smell or look nice or some shit.

It's really sad knowing that people feel like they can't just be open with their positive thoughts of other people.  Of course, I don't advise any dudes go out and tell random women that their ass looks bangin' since I don't want anyone to get slapped or arrested.  But it just seems like people should be nicer you know?  How many times have you seen some person somewhere and want to say something to them but don't?  Maybe you think they're wearing an awesome shirt or have nice eyes or something.  Why not tell them that?  I know for a fact that it would make my day a much better one if people randomly told me about things they like about me.  In fact, the other day someone said they liked my shirt and even though I was in a pretty upset mood, that still made my night a bit better.

While I always hold doors open for people or help them in any way I can when I can, I still haven't been very on-top of saying nice things to random people.  Here and there I do, but I still think I could say more to more people.  I've for sure been more open with my friends.  Most of my friends are female so I of course have to word things certain ways to prevent them from thinking that I'm hitting on them or trying to get in their pants.  But the results have been great!  It's so weird to me that most of them have no idea what to say when I give them the kind of compliment that only their boyfriends or husband(s) have gave them.  Like it's such a taboo thing for a male to give a female a compliment without expecting some sex or something.  From what I'm told and from what I've observed, chicks compliment other chicks all the time!  On their nails, shoes, make-up, or whatever.  But almost never is there any thought that the complimenter is a lesbo looking for some scissoring action.

So I'm looking to bridge the gap between male and female friends and stranger to stranger!  Why not try to make the world a nicer place for everyone?  Why not make people feel good about themselves without expecting something in return?  I no longer see the need to be an anti-people goth kid that hates life or just some bitter scum bag that has nothing better to do than to talk about how people equal shit.  Sure, there's always going to be assholes and bitches.  But don't you think some of those people would be a little nicer if someone treated them better?  Sometimes people's behavior makes me want to get a ghetto blaster playing Give Peace A Chance by John Lennon and slap them over the head with it.  Slap the peace right in to them!  :P

Seriously though, I hope some of you join me in my quest.  Have some confidence and say something nice to someone!  You know it would make your day if someone were to do that for you.  Treat others like you would like to be treated!  The Golden fuckin' Rule and shit yo!  Word to your mother.  Peace out! 

Monday, May 2, 2011

What I Want?

I remember a few months back or so one of my ex-girlfriends(or whatever her and I were lol) wrote out what she wants in a man on here.  When I read it I thought to myself, wow, that's kind of lame to make a list like that.  The reason why I thought that is because I don't think love should be black and white.  It's hard to say exactly what will make two people fall in love.  Maybe the person is everything you always wanted, maybe the complete opposite.  Maybe the person is so different than anyone you've ever known and you found that you love that type of person.  I have no idea how people fall in love.  But there's no way to know if you will fall in love with a person or not unless you're willing to meet different people.  Or I suppose you could just know exactly what you want and try to find that.

I had no idea that I would fall in love with my ex so quickly.  But I did.  And while the relationship was pretty short and I got treated like shit through out a good chunk of it, I learned some things.  But not what I want in a woman.  I've known what I've wanted for years now.  Really, I don't have many demands.  She should be able to click with me on many levels.  As in, be into the things that I'm into while also able to show me new things that I would like based on other things I like.  But also be able to know what to do with me.  No need to put my needs/wants before her's because her needs/wants will be pretty much the same.  She will have a lot of heart, will love me deeply, and I will never have to worry about her cheating on me or talking shit about me to her stupid ass friends.  Because she will be upfront and honest and will actually love me for me.  And she will be cool!  Not just because she knows about some anime, but because she is actually cool!  A woman that others respect and seek her opinion on things. Psychically, I've never been picky.  I see true beauty in everyone.  And that's regardless of race or body type or whatever.  In other words, I'm not superficial and when I find the woman that truly clicks with me, that's all that will matter.  I guess if I had to say which body type I've found I like the most, I would have to say shorter than me, at least a good handful of boob, and hands smaller than mine.

So since I have had a pretty good idea of what I have wanted for years now, it's only safe to assume that I have found out what I DON'T want since all the relationships I have had in the last year or so have not worked out.  I didn't think I was so picky but I've come across a lot of winners if you know what I mean lol.  So, here we go!  These are in no particular order.  I'm just throwing them out there as they come to me.

- No sluts!  I don't want to be with someone that is on all the adult friend finder sites.  I need to know that when I see my girlfriend naked, I'm the only one seeing her naked.  And I like to know that if I go down on a girl, I'm not going to taste the last guy she was with.  Bottom line here is, I don't want to share.  I'm not a swinger, polygamist, or kinkster.  I'm monogamist all the way!  Well, unless she wants to bring a girl home for us to play with :)

- No Text Message Relationship!  I'm an 80's kid.  I'm used to talking on the phone.  There's lot's of times that I need to talk, not type out everything.  If it's just a couple of quick sentences like "Hey, what do you want for dinner tonight?"  Or, "Come over and shag me." then cool.  I can live with that.  But I don't want to be restricted to my cell phone all night.  I can think of much more comfortable places to put my hands :)

- No Religious Nuts!  If you want to believe in God, Buddha, Satan, or whatever, cool.  What gets under my skin is when people get so wrapped up into that shit that they become another one of the brainwashed/programmed people that tend to say the same fucking things as the other programmed people that take part in their religion.  Living your life shouldn't have to involve looking to an old book for guidance.  Do you know how it feels to have a girl break up with you because God told her to?  Do you know how it feels to give a girl more pleasure than any man ever has just to have it thrown back in your face as a bad thing because she feels disconnected from God for sinning?!  Well, sadly, I do.  And it really fucking hurts!  It's my firm opinion that religion takes away individuality.  It basically guilts people into living their life a certain way.  But then again, most of the religious people I meet usually become all religious because their parents brought them up that way and as a result, they just think it is the right way to live their life.  Or of course there are the mentally unstable that find God while in jail, after a loved one dies, or by being so fucking lonely that they start hearing voices in their head.  Those unstable people are probably better off hiding out by their selves or down on their knees with hands cupped praying to God.  The less unstable people we have off the streets the better!

- No Pseudo-intellectuals!  Seriously, don't go up on my facebook incorrectly using words that you recently heard somewhere or made up thinking it will make you sound smart.  Stick to what you know until you can use different words correctly.  I know you want to sound smart by using words with more than three syllables, but you're just going to look like a fucking retard when I point out that the word wasn't used correctly or that the word doesn't even exist.  And while we are on the topic of people using words incorrectly, is it really too hard for people to use homophones correctly?  "I hope your doing well"  Oh yeah, I hope you know the difference between your and you're lol.  If you are offended by what I just wrote, well, you're not what I'm looking for in a girlfriend lol.

- No Blame Placers!  You know the type.  They really fuck up and instead of just owning up to their mistake they find things that you have done wrong in the past to talk about instead.  I've had many women do this to me and I will never understand their logic.  I guess in their mind they don't want to admit their fuck up so they change the subject to something you did wrong that you not only already apologized for already, but has already been dealt with and is in the past.  While it may buy them some time to think up a better excuse for their actions, it makes things worse knowing the conversation went from dealing with one fuck up to many.  It makes for a poorly structured conversation where nothing get resolved.  And usually ends in yelling or some sort of unnecessary drama.

- No Abused/Raped Women!  I'm sorry, but I just can't deal with constant boohooing about their parents treating them bad growing up.  Or ex-boyfriends saying hurtful things that they later figured out was abuse or later finding out what they were doing in bed could be considered rape.  While I have been through a lot in my life, I've been abused and raped, you don't hear me crying about it on a daily basis.  And hearing others cry about it so often makes me think about bad shit that happened to me and I would just rather not hear about shit like that.  Life is too short to be an emo.  Rise above that shit or stay away from me.  Not that I don't feel for women or even men that have been in those situations, I just don't want to hear about it all the time.

- No Crazy Bitches!  Why is it, that all the women I meet in the dating scene tend to be on a bunch of mind altering pills and have gone through years of therapy?  Oh yeah, that's right, they're fucking crazy lol.  I need a person that is able to figure out their problems on their own.  Or at least by talking about things with their friends and family.  I can't stand it when a women is unable to make up her mind on her own.  And when they are not able to control their anger and other emotions to a healthy level.  Those are the same women that hit men, say hurtful things, have constant freak-outs, and typically have to be a total recluse just so they don't continue to hurt others.  But you know, they're crazy.  So be prepared for her to talk shit about you to her friends in an attempt to gain sanity by placing blame on you.  After all, if they place the blame on others then it is not them that are insane in the membrane, it's everyone else.  And with that in mind they can easily go about their life masking their true feelings so other people think they are a happy, sane, person.

- No Liars!  Seriously, if you have to lie about shit that never happened or feel the need to exagerate things so the story is cooler and you look more awesome as a result, you're not awesome.  In fact, your life must be so fucking lame that you have to feel the need to lie about it.  I feel sorry for people like that.  Instead of lying so much that you believe yourself, go out and live your life!  Maybe, just maybe, you will have something interesting to talk about then!

- No Dirty Girls!  Clean your fucking house you slob!  Do you enjoy smelling of cat shit and trash?  Take your trash out, vacuum your carpet, do your dishes, and for the love of all that is holy, if you have pets, take care of them!  Don't leave shit or throw-up just sitting around!  Clean that shit up!  Seriously, that's all really gross!

- No Facial or Arm Pit Hair!  Ok, while at least the arm pit hair is tucked away, the mustache is too much for me.  If I wanted to feel like I was making out with a dude, then I would just be gay.  And really, even if your arm pit hair is tucked away, chances are that from behind, you will look like you have Buckwheat in a headlock. That just isn't sexy.  Or when the hairs are long enough to go out of your arm pits to your boobs, super gross.  Legs are not something that need to be shaved very often if you're into wearing pants.  But it would be nice knowing if the woman wears shorts, skirt, or dress that their legs don't look manlier than mine lol.  As far as the woman's junk goes, as long as it doesn't shred my cock up or gets in the way of the clit, I could care less.

Well, I think that sums it up pretty well.  I'm sure there's more but those are the main ones anyhow.  And of course some of those things can be negotiated.  Anyone that has been in a relationship or 30 knows that there has to be compromise in every relationship.  If the other person truly loves you, they will work with you.  That's how I am at least.  Anyhow, time to do what everyone has been telling me to do since I got my heart torn out by the last girlfriend, focus on myself.

Saturday, February 12, 2011

If You Were Actually Being Nice...

So over the years I have gave pretty much all that I could to my friends and family.  Giving away things to people less fortunate or doing nice things when I can for people that I care about.  Sometimes I give things to people I have never or will never meet.  I gave my long hair to Locks of Love for kids suffering from cancer.  I give every year to breast cancer studies even if it's only like $20.  And there's of course more things that I do for people but I don't want to brag since I do what I do because doing things like that makes me feel good.  Knowing that I can help someone just like, does it for me.

Some people in my life do lots of other things for people without being selfish too.  And that's awesome!  But I do see lots of people being fucked up when it comes to being nice.  Please, let me explain.  It seems that for every one person that is just flat out generous and then some, there's like 100 people that only do nice things for selfish reasons.  It seems that those selfish people are just doing nice things because they believe it will later benefit them.

While some of the selfish people say things like "good karma for me" after donating something in hopes that they will have good fortune as a result of giving away crap they didn't even want anymore, others are way worse.  For example, the people that buy you something but later hold it against you.  There has been plenty of times where someone buys me dinner to be nice.  But then decides a week later that since they bought me dinner once that I should buy them dinner to pay them back.  Which would be a fair trade if it was brought to my attention that that was the deal.  If someone buys me dinner to be nice then they should keep it at that.  

These are the same people that offer their friends rides but then bitch about not having any gas.  Or let you use their bathroom but then bitch about having to buy toilet paper.  Stuff like that just sickens me!  I mean, why even be nice if you're just going to try to throw it in the person's face later?  That's not being nice!

I think the next person that buys me something or does something nice for me but later holds it against me or feels that I owe them is going to get deleted from my life.  If someone that has always been nice to me was having problems buying food or paying their rent or something then I would pawn things to help them out if I had to.  But as soon as they say I owe them because they were nice when I had nothing, then I won't be helping.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Gamers That Actually Play Games?

I remember when I was a kid it was super easy to get a group of people over to play video games.  But now days it seems like wishing for a group of gamers is about on par with wishing for world peace!  I can't even express how awesome it would be to know a group of gamers that are happy meeting up and playing games for hours on end.  At this point I would be happy with ONE person that could come be my player two!  It seems like getting ONE person over to play some games wouldn't be that hard to achieve but it totally is!

Every time I think I've found someone to be my player two something goes wrong.  A few months ago I found a girl that plays games and lives super close but she never had the time.  Which tends to be everyone's excuse anymore.  Pretty much everyone I talk to that is my age has the same story.  They go to work then go home to take care of their kids.  Or they go to work then to school.  Some even go to work, school, and have kids to take care of.  So people like that of course have no time to play games.

Of course, then there's the people that don't have kids or go to school.  Most of those people in my life tend to have a significant other that keeps a tight leash on them.  Or they spend most of their time out trying to get laid or drinking or something.  There's always SOMETHING!

When someone is actually willing to play some games they tend to have the worst taste in games.  Finding someone that wants to play some good Shumps, Beat'em Ups, or just some great retro games in general is next to impossible.  Most all of the gamers that find time to play games with me are girls that are into the crap that is barley a video game in my mind.  Stuff like Guitar Hero, Rock Band, Singstar and Just Dance.  Topped off by some Wii Sports or some other causal gamer crap.  Oh look, you beat me at Mario Kart again because you used the fucking blue turtle shell at the last minute!  OH BOY I'M HAVING SO MUCH FUN!

Those same casual gamers tend to never want to play any other games then the 5 or so that they're used to playing.  I think it's because they're afraid of getting their ass handed to them or because they just simply wouldn't be able to understand how to play.  And really, I don't want to spend the whole time teaching someone to play.  It would be nice to just find someone that can either figure out how to play by their self or already knows how to play.

I guess I will just have to stick with playing online for now.  Which of course just isn't the same as having someone over to play games.  And only the new consoles can be played online.  And just hope other people have the same games as you and they're on when you want to play games!