Thursday, January 13, 2011

Gamers That Actually Play Games?

I remember when I was a kid it was super easy to get a group of people over to play video games.  But now days it seems like wishing for a group of gamers is about on par with wishing for world peace!  I can't even express how awesome it would be to know a group of gamers that are happy meeting up and playing games for hours on end.  At this point I would be happy with ONE person that could come be my player two!  It seems like getting ONE person over to play some games wouldn't be that hard to achieve but it totally is!

Every time I think I've found someone to be my player two something goes wrong.  A few months ago I found a girl that plays games and lives super close but she never had the time.  Which tends to be everyone's excuse anymore.  Pretty much everyone I talk to that is my age has the same story.  They go to work then go home to take care of their kids.  Or they go to work then to school.  Some even go to work, school, and have kids to take care of.  So people like that of course have no time to play games.

Of course, then there's the people that don't have kids or go to school.  Most of those people in my life tend to have a significant other that keeps a tight leash on them.  Or they spend most of their time out trying to get laid or drinking or something.  There's always SOMETHING!

When someone is actually willing to play some games they tend to have the worst taste in games.  Finding someone that wants to play some good Shumps, Beat'em Ups, or just some great retro games in general is next to impossible.  Most all of the gamers that find time to play games with me are girls that are into the crap that is barley a video game in my mind.  Stuff like Guitar Hero, Rock Band, Singstar and Just Dance.  Topped off by some Wii Sports or some other causal gamer crap.  Oh look, you beat me at Mario Kart again because you used the fucking blue turtle shell at the last minute!  OH BOY I'M HAVING SO MUCH FUN!

Those same casual gamers tend to never want to play any other games then the 5 or so that they're used to playing.  I think it's because they're afraid of getting their ass handed to them or because they just simply wouldn't be able to understand how to play.  And really, I don't want to spend the whole time teaching someone to play.  It would be nice to just find someone that can either figure out how to play by their self or already knows how to play.

I guess I will just have to stick with playing online for now.  Which of course just isn't the same as having someone over to play games.  And only the new consoles can be played online.  And just hope other people have the same games as you and they're on when you want to play games!

1 comment:

  1. I would like to play games with ya Mike, but there is that whole distance thing.
